SNP Draconian Laws: Nicola Sturgeon and the True Face of Socialism

3 years ago

Recently I caught news of SNP draconian laws, Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP seek to make such restrictions permanent so that the state has extra powers to carry out lockdowns and mask mandates at will. As quoted:

"SNP ministers are planning to make permanent their temporary powers to shut schools and introduce lockdowns... These include “prohibiting or limiting numbers at gatherings, introducing lockdown measures, and requiring that face coverings are worn”, as well as “powers to make directions to close educational establishments”..."

That for me illustrates how far the SNP have gone, as if the hate crime bill wasn't enough and the years trying to impose the Named Persons Act, it just shows you how authoritarian the SNP are and as I've long argued, even as far back as 2014, dependency upon the state will only lead you down the road of a self-serving government and the true face of socialism will always shine bright with such draconian laws. The SNP have illustrated this to a tee.

The thing that worries me, however, is that despite the hate crime bill, not even that was enough for certain people, instead, they continued on voting SNP and I fear we will see more of the same. I hope there is truth that the opinion polls of Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP have plummeted, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. They have done nothing but embarrassed this nation and it's by time people wake up and smell the coffee.

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