Arkansas Mixed Bag: Speck, Hooded Merganser, Lesser Scaup | The Journey Within - Waterfowl Slam

3 years ago

After a quick stop at the BassPro Pyramid in Memphis, Mark makes quick work of a three day hunt in Arkansas and picks up 3 more species. This was probably one of the most diverse stops so far as Mark found himself hunting every way possible, including from a pit blind on the bank to layout blinds in a rice field. He did what he had to do and scratched off Speckle Belly Goose, Hooded Merganser and a Lesser Scaup from the list. Only 15 more to go!

To read Mark’s field notes, where he tells his first-hand account of this hunt go to:

For a full list of the species taken on The Journey Within - A Bird Hunter's Diary The Waterfowl Slam. Go to my website:

To Book this hunt, go to:

Thank you to these great Partners

43 Species – Going after list
Birds harvested in this episode:
✓ Speckle Belly
✓ Hooded Merganser
✓ Lesser Scaup
✓ Ring-necked

Birds already harvested:
✓ Northern Pintail
✓ Northern Shoveler
✓ Green-winged Teal
✓ American Coot
✓ Common Eider
✓ Long-Tailed Duck
✓ White-winged Scoter
✓ Black Duck
✓ Common “Black” Scoter
✓ Surf Scoter
✓ Barrows Goldeneye
✓ Ruddy Duck
✓ Tundra Swan
✓ Gadwall
✓ Redhead Duck
✓ Common Merganser
✓ Cackling Goose
✓ Red-breasted Merganser
✓ Harlequin
✓ Pacific Brant
✓ BONUS Aleutian Green-winged teal
✓ Mallard Drake
✓ American Wigeon
✓ Common Goldeneye
✓ Bufflehead Drake

Birds left on the list:
Sandhill Crane, Canada Goose, Lesser, Ross's Goose, Canvasback, Wood Duck, Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Blue-winged Teal, Mottled Duck, Atlantic Brant, Greater Scaup Hen, Greater Snow Goose, Blue Goose or Lesser Snow Goose, Cinnamon Teal, Fulvous Whistling Duck, King Eider

Deals With Our Partners:
15% Off Entire Ruff Tuff Custom Seat Cover Order. Use Promo Code: RTMP15

15% Off Redy Nutrient Products: MPREDY15

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00:00 Intro
00:05 Giveaway
00:51 Episode Intro
01:15 Bass Pro Pyramid
02:13 Day 1
05:42 Day 1 - Afternoon
06:41 Day 2
08:12 Lesser Scaup ✓
09:09 Hooded Merg ✓
09:35 Day 3
11:30 Specklebelly Goose ✓

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