America's Top 4 Banks owe $169 Trillion UNREALIZED LOSSES! Federal Reserve Bank Liability Report H8.

3 years ago

* Video Analysis;
** Federal Reserve Report H8; Bank Asset & Liabilities released 8/13/21.
*** OCC Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Bank Derivatives Report for Q1 2021
**** Federal Reserve Economic Research Data 8/18/2021; Repo / Reverse Repurchase Agreements correlations between 2008, 2013, and 2021

+++++ This began as an investigation into the correlations between Stock Market Crashes & Economic Issues of 2008, 2011, and 2013, compared to the current issues in the 2021 stock market, real estate, bank derivative, debt ceiling issues, and their correlation to macroeconomics, AMC Theaters and Gamestop...

It turned into my biggest nightmare, and there's no good outcome. Buy Calls on my therapist... $65 strike...

- Dark Pool Use By Top 4 BANK NOW 61.8 %
- Credit Default Swaps are up 3,437 %.
- 4 Banks owe $ 168,217,422,000,000 (TRILLION) IN UNREALIZED LOSSES IN DERIVATIVES ALONE NOT INCLUDING Naked Shorts, Synthetic Shares, FTD's & MORE!
- Congressional Budget Office admits, inflation and GDP to "surpass its maximum sustainable level by the end of the year."

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Twitter: BossBlunts1

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