Why so foolish to leave bodies behind for the Western clowns?

2 years ago

I am not military experts. If Russia really wants to kill Ukrainian, all they have to do is follow US & NATO playbook to carpet bomb countries like Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iraq. Why so foolish to leave bodies behind for the Western clowns? 我不是軍事專家. 如果俄羅斯真的想殺死烏克蘭人,他們所要做的就是按照美國和北約的做法,像對越南、韓國、阿富汗、利比亞、敘利亞和伊拉克等國家進行地毯式轟炸. 為什麼要為西方小丑留下屍體這麼愚蠢.

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