Using Python To Read PLC Data With Visual Studio By Importing Pycomm3

3 years ago

Reading Controllogix data from the plc has now moved into a much simpler form with Python 3 by importing Pycomm3 or PyLogix.

Before Windows disabled the DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange), we could right simple DDE code to read & write data with the plc processor.

DDE was deemed a security risk so using excel for this task is no longer a good resource moving forward so this is where Python is the tool of choice. Which is the exact reason why I spent time learning to use python & from digging into things like Github, I found two simple imports to use.

Pycomm3 or PyLogix

Here is a link to PyComm3:

With the growth of open source code, things may be a lot better in the coming future than I show in this video, what I am trying to show in this video is a simple way to communicate by another resource.

Use cases are all different so as I find good use cases then I may show more videos on this, with that said if this video is received well & everyone wants to know more.

The examples in this video are simple & are meant to be to give a clear understanding of a tool we can use. The resources provided have much greater information if you are interested.

I have no affiliation with Github nor the person who developed Pucomm3 or Pylogix, I just think these are helpful tools that we all have an opportunity to use & grow from.

0:00 Quick Intro
1:05 Importing Pycomm3 in Visual Studio
1:55 Python 3 code to read PLC data via IP address
3:10 Testing the Python code to read PLC data
3:35 Other elements of Pycomm3
5:30 Using Pylogix in Visual Studio
5:50 Importing Pylogix
6:20 Writing the Pylogix code example
7:50 Creating a new tag in our PLC for testing
9:45 Testing the Pylogix read
14:05 Recommended videos for you

I hope it helped.

Thank you for watching the video.

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