Hi, Cliff here and I'm going to share with you some of my random videos from my favorite hobbies.
I've always liked cameras so I have all kinds of videos in my archive I'd like to share.
This channel means almost nothing right now. I'm just a rookie and have no idea about editing videos. Just a little fun...
Categories may include motorcycles - especially British and English motorcycles such as Norton, Indian, Harley Davidson, Cushman Scooters, Ural and a few more.
Other videos you will find include camping and travel.
Just in the past 2 years I have traveled and camped in 8 states including Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Alabama, Missouri and a few more.
I hope you'll Join my channel and hang in there with this Texan while I figure this out. enjoy.
Thank you for visiting 👍
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Joined Dec 10, 2020
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