Catching Pedophiles - Alex Rosen; 13-Year-Old Girl Raped by Mob of Migrant Egyptian Men in Italy - Dan Lyman; Trump DOES NOT have Immunity - Jeff Clark; Citizen Free Press; EU Withdraws Plan - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show
Catching Pedophiles - Alex Rosen; 13-Year-Old Girl Raped by Mob of Migrant Egyptian Men in Italy - Dan Lyman; Trump DOES NOT have Immunity - Jeff Clark; Citizen Free Press; EU Withdraws Plan - JD Rucker | The Breanna Morello Show
The American People Are SLAVES & Trump Has Already Lost 2024! We Can Change That NOW With THE PEOPLE'S 5 POINT PLAN TO TAKE BACK AMERICA - JOIN US | JEFF DORNIK
Arizona GOP Chair JEFF DEWIT is LYING! They Don't Want To Vote TODAY To Ban The Voting Machines! THEY Are Against The People & The Problem - JOIN US & EMAIL/CALL THEM & DEMAND THEY VOTE TODAY!
Anthropocene | What Is the Anthropocene? What Did Grimes Choose to Name Her Album Miss Anthropocene, Which Prophesied COVID-19? Why Are Harari, the WEF, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & Jeff Bezos Discussing the Anthropocene?
Anthropocene | What Is the Anthropocene? What Did Grimes Choose to Name Her Album Miss Anthropocene? In Their Own Words: Yuval Noah Harari, Elon Musk, Grimes & Jeff Bezos