Congressman Michael Cloud | Do Only 60% of Evangelical Christians Vote? Congressman Michael Cloud + China World Leader On 90% of Critical Technologies? Does Congress Read Bills Before Signing? HR 6666?
Project Blue Beam | "The Fourth Step of Project Blue Beam Was Going to Use Various Technologies to Convince People That Alien Invasions Were Taking Place." - Candace Owens + Mainstream Media Pushing an Alien Narrative?
Autonomous Weapons | A.I. LAVENDER SYSTEM | "An Autonomous Weapon System Can Decide By Itself Who to Bomb...Hitler, Stalin, What Would They Do w/ the Technologies That I'm Creating Right Now?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "Meat Is One of the Biggest Sources of Air Pollution Around the World. There Is New Technologies That You Can Produce Meat Just By Growing It In Cells. It's Much More Ethical. Alot of People Will Become Useless." - Yuval
Great Reset & Build Back Better | Could There Be a Connection? "Our Life In 10 Years from Now Will Be Completely Different. Who Masters Those Technologies Will Be the Master of the World." - Klaus Schwab (Great Reset Author)
The Bible | Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About Religions of the Book, Judaism, Christianity, Islam They Get Authority to a Text. Now You Have Technologies for the Text to Speak to You." "AI Can Even Write a New Bible." - 6/6/2023