4 years ago"What's a Few Arrows Among Friends?" | BombSquad Arc 3 Ep 76 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
4 years ago2 Year Anniversary GiveAway Winners! | BombSquad Giveaways | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
4 years ago"It's Just An Absolute Seizure" | BombSquad Arc 3 Ep 79 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
4 years ago"An Ilyad Never Forgets" | BombSquad Arc 3 Ep 78 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
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5 years ago"...But Is It A Booze Cruise?" | BombSquad Arc 2 Ep 48 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
5 years ago"Bloody Knives And A Baby" | BombSquad Arc 2 Ep 55 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
5 years ago"Do Cows Even Swim?" | BombSquad Arc 2 Ep 50 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
5 years ago"The Hole-y Cast Iron Pan of Tiri" | BombSquad Arc 2 Ep 53 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
5 years ago"The Sorrow of Telaro" | Paragon: The Embers of Pyre Ep 3 | AV Epochs - TTRPG PlaytestsAvenueStudios
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4 years ago"What Is A Tabard Anyway?" | BombSquad Arc 3 Ep 90 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
4 years ago"Have You Ever Smelled It?" | BombSquad Arc 3 EP 88 | An Open Legend RPG Actual PlayAvenueStudios
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