Military Shoots Down Suspicious Plane Flying Toward Trump and Superbowl/17,000 South Africans Apply for Refugee Status as Local Afrikaners Urge Trump:/Trump Administration Working on Deputizing Thousands of IRS Agents to Help ICE /“Have You Considered O
Trump Signs EO Permanently Protecting 2nd Amendment Rights/Missing plane in Alaska located; 10 found dead/Bill Gates ‘Predicts’ Black Swan Event Will Depopulate 94% of Global Population
Seattle mom arrested for murder after fatal beating of teen son over chores/FDA approves opioid-free pain medication with 'no sign of addiction'/Calm Before the Storm: Will John Brennan Be First Criminal Deep Stater Arrested?Plane collides with
Plane Crash in Philadelphia Leads to Explosions, Buildings on Fire/Trump Reportedly Tells USDA To Remove All Climate Change Propaganda From Their Websites/Yes, Obama and Biden Had FAA Hire People with Intellectual, Psychiatric, Severe Physical Disabilitie
US Catholic diocese agrees $320mn sex abuse payout /Informants Claim Trump’s Plane Targeted for Assassination — Nine Surface-to-Air Missiles Smuggled into U.S./Minneapolis Police Department Swears in First ‘Non-Citizen’ Officer to the Police Force