Inflation 101 | Congressman Thomas Massie Explains Dilution, Inflation & How the U.S. Government Is Destroying the Value of the U.S. Dollar + "The Dollar Is a Dangerous Currency." - Batista Jr. (IMF Executive Director 2007-2015)
BRICS | "Dollar Is a Dangerous Currency. See What Happened to the Russian Reserves. It Has Been Weaponized By the U.S. BRICS Can Provide An Alternative." - Paulo Batista Jr. (Former IMF Director)
Eric Trump | A Bald Eagle Flies Over and Circles the ReAwaken America Tour Tent In Batavia New York As Amanda Grace and a Crowd of Thousands Pray for Eric Trump
Ye (Kanye West) | Why Did Ye (Kanye West) State the Following?: "I Don't Like the Word Evil Next to Nazis," "Every Human Being Has Something of Value That They Brought to the Table ESPECIALLY HITLER" and "I Like Hitler"