Good Men and Women Behind the Scenes Have Heard Jessie's Testimony and Acted On it, e.g. Randi Lynn Erickson + Collaboration to End Child Trafficking, Satanic Ritual Abuse + Both Support and Struggle with Q, Different Groups Involved
Forgiveness of Sins and the Changes People Can Make, Taking Responsibility, Family Member's Abuse + Jesus, Ultimate Role Model + Elizabeth Elliot story + Sunshine, The Name Given to Jessie
The Breeding Program, Babies are Cared for in a Hospital-like Setting, Children are Supplied for Sacrifice or for Sadistic Sexual Abuse + Efforts in Texas and Seattle to Combat Child Trafficking
Trump is Actively Fighting Child-Trafficking, Anti-Trafficking Summit, Ivanka Trump, Survivors, Bella Hounakey, People with Information Can Report to Them
Trump Says That Every Child Deserves to Grow Up in a Safe Home and a Safe Community + Samaritan's Purse, Help for Survivors of Child Trafficking, People with Personal Experience
Children in the System, Fully Trained for their Position by the Age of 10 + Orders for Children, Masonic, Jesuit and Mormon Connections + Possible to Get to Very High Levels with No Knowledge of Having Been Involved Since Childhood & Being Abused
DNI Ratcliffe's Letter, Hillary Clinton Approved Campaign Plan to Stir Up a Scandal Against Trump (Russia Russia Russia Hoax), HRC's Signature was Required, Implicates Brennan, Obama, Comey, Strzok, Bi-dan + The Swift Boat Project, Good Dog Show
Conference for Trafficked Women, Survivors of Human Trafficking + Demonic Spirits, Three Ways They Can Attach Themselves to Us and How We Can Rebuke Them
Gray Faction is Highlighting Abuse By Mental Health Professionals, A Case in which the Mother Killed Her Son Due to Constant Harassment by Satanists, The Mental Health Professionals were Negligent