4 months agoOMC! How can hens be so happy pecking for seeds? 🤔🐔#hens #chickens #pecking #seeds #shorts #backyardOneMinuteChickens
6 months agoOMC! Two Orpington sisters in woodchips pecking and scratching for worm, grubs, and insects! #shortsOneMinuteChickens
4 months agoOMC! Amazing chicken pecking and scratching club - Subscribe now if you love chickens! #hens #shortsOneMinuteChickens
5 months agoOMC! Chickens on a pile of greens pecking and scratching! #chickens #greens #pecking #shortsOneMinuteChickens
7 months agoOMC! Chickens strolling through green grass with bonus pecking and scratching!OneMinuteChickens
4 months agoOMC! Pecking chickens are happy chickens! #chickens #pecking #happy #shorts #treat #feedingchickensOneMinuteChickens
7 months agoOMC! Cutie laying in the dirt pecking greens while her friends congregate nearby!OneMinuteChickens
3 months agoOMC! Hungry Hungry Chickens! - Pecking - Scratching - Happy - Hens! #chickens #pecking #shorts #loopOneMinuteChickens
6 months agoOMC! Chicken Life - Peck Grass Eat Grass - Be Happy! 😁💖😂#chickens #orpington #shorts #pecking #henOneMinuteChickens
4 months agoOMC! Brownie is EIGHT-YEARS-OLD and still a pecking machine!🐔💖💞😍😘🐔#Brownie #chicken #pecking #shortsOneMinuteChickens
8 months agoOMC! A relaxing afternoon preening and pecking for three beautiful orpington hens.OneMinuteChickens
2 months agoOMC! Sweet girls pecking clover - Brownie too! Adorable chickens enjoying tasty greens! #shorts #henOneMinuteChickens
8 months agoOMC! Relaxing with Brownie the shy but amazing chicken! Pecking and Scratching Bonanza!OneMinuteChickens
4 months agoOMC! Normally peaceful chicken turns 2 VIOLENCE - Wins pecking contest vs hens! #chickens #shorts 🐔🐔OneMinuteChickens
3 months agoOMC! Peaceful chicken style summer morning in the shade - Pecking and scratching of course! #shortsOneMinuteChickens
6 months agoOMC! Two Orpingtons eating clover also a little pecking and scratching! #orpington #chickens #shortsOneMinuteChickens
3 months agoOMC! Three happy hunting chicken loop - Three little Orpingtons in pecking & scratching loop #shortsOneMinuteChickens
7 months agoReluctant to Lead? Trust God’s Pecking Order | 1 Samuel 10:24-27Through the Bible with Vince Miller
8 months agoOMC! Hens perched and preening after a long day of scratching and pecking!OneMinuteChickens
6 months agoOMC! Even more pecking and scratching with one Orpington perched & relaxing! #chickens #shortsOneMinuteChickens
3 months agoOMC! Dirt bath - Bug pecking technique - a closer look! #dirt #bath #chickens #orpington #shortsOneMinuteChickens