Libby Emmons: "One of the reasons that American slavery comes under such a microscope is because it was the last government sanctioned slavery that we really see."
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Tenth Commandment Actually Endorses Slavery...A Letter That Was Supposedly A Letter from St. Paul to Timothy, But Most Scholars Believe It Was a Second Century Forgery (1st Timothy)." - 10/15/24
Yuval Noah Harari | "The 10 Commandments Doesn't Acknowledge That It Emerged From Human Imagination. It Has No Mechanism to Admit It's Own Mistakes. The 10th Commandment Actually Endorses Slavery." - 9/25/24
CBDC | "You Can't See How They Are Going to Come Together In System Integrated Into Your Body and Your Mind to Institute the Slavery System, Running the Smart Grid Into Your Neighborhood and Into Your Body." - Catherine Austin Fitts
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Rights Guaranteed In the Constitution Are Not Based On Divine Commandment...In the 10th Commandment There Is An Endorsement of Slavery." Why Does Yuval Noah Harari Want to Change the Times & the Laws | Daniel 7:25
Yuval Noah Harari | "From the Stories Preserved In the New Testament, Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh. The Person Who Created Christianity Is Paul. Ten Commandments Endorse Slavery.” - 9/1/24
Yuval Noah Harari | “The Ten Commandments Just Like the U.S. Constitution Also Endorses Slavery. Look Up Commandment Number 10. Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. He Did Not Think He Was Yahweh.” - September 1st 2024