In The U.K. - Flip Flop BORIS JOHNSON Is Trying To Save Himself Now That International Criminal Charges Have Been Filed For Crimes Against Humanity! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN CITIZENS STAND UP!
Canadian "Vaccine" Expert Dr. BYRAM BRIDLE: Talks About The Excessive Youth Heart Problems & Deaths Happening In The School Sports Leagues #NoVaxxPass #StopTheMandates They Are KILLING Our Citizens & Children & FAST!!!!
COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment,
Toronto Board of Health - January 17 2022 - 17 Year Old Healthy Boy DEAD 1 Month After The "Covid-19" "Vaccine" Father Tells His Story To Board Members
Recorded call to “The Works” Safe Injection Site - proving I can shoot up heroin with no vaxx pass required City of Toronto funded facility but my gym is closed. Is this about health? Trust "the science"