11 months ago5G Can Cause Cancer, Neurological Problems, Etc! Expose the MOAC to Get Rid of 5G-Pushing NWO Cabal!Liberty TV
11 months agoExpose the Mother of All Conspiracies to Get Rid of the NWO Cabal before It Gets Rid of You with 5GLiberty TV
11 months agoBees and the Magnetite/Graphene-Vaxxed Are Vulnerable to 5G/EMF Attack/Control by the NWO Cabal !!!Liberty TV
11 months agoDEPOP PLAN OF AGENDA 21: A "Tidal Wave" of Tumors Is Coming with Cases Set to Rise 80% by 2050Liberty TV
9 months agoChemical Poisoning and Metabolic Acidic Stress Crisis with Dr. Robert Young and Kerry Cassidy - Part 4DrRobertYoung
9 months agoEDTA and Methylene Blue Are Part of the Graphenated Hydrogel Biological Weapon SystemDrRobertYoung
11 months ago"We have NO CHOICE ... We either SUCCEED or we DIE as a species": Dr. Rima Laibow, Maria Zeee & SH21Liberty TV
11 months agoConnecting Excess Deaths to LNP C-19 Jabs and 4G-5G EMF Radiation | Maria Zeee w/ Anders BrunstadLiberty TV
11 months agoConnecting Excess Deaths to LNP C-19 Jabs and 4G-5G EMF Radiation | Jim Ferguson w/ Anders BrunstadLiberty TV
11 months agoWARNING: The NWO Cabal Has Cell Towers Ready for COVID-2X Plandemic, 5G/6G Democide or Disease "X"Liberty TV
9 months agoThe Cabal-Run UN and World Hoax Organization Knew about the Dangers of 5G EMF Radiation Back in 2018Liberty TV
9 months agoInternational Scientist Appeal on Risks of EMFs, Presented to the Cabal-Run UN Prior to 5G PlandemicLiberty TV
7 months agoThere May Be a Plot to Impair the Pineal Gland, Severing Humanity from the Creator and True Cosmos !Liberty TV
7 months agoSmart Meters and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR): Health Crisis of Our Time | Dr Dietrich KlinghardtLiberty TV
7 months agoThe Dangers of 2.4 Ghz Wi-Fi and 3G-5G Electromagnetic Radiation | Dr. Dietrich KlinghardtLiberty TV
10 months agoDIRE WARNING: The Satanic NWO Cabal Aims to Take Over All Countries Politically and Religiously !!!Liberty TV
10 months agoProtect Yourself From EMF Radio, Microwave, Gamma Radiation & Chemical PoisoningDrRobertYoung
9 months agoEthylene - Diamine - Tetra - Acetic - Acid or EDTA - What Are The Negative Side Effects?DrRobertYoung
10 months agoProtect Yourself From EMF Radio, Microwave, Gamma Radiation & Chemical PoisoningDr Robert O. Young Videos (Unofficial)
9 months agoEthylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid or EDTA "Chelation Therapy" What Does It Actually Do?DrRobertYoung