SIGHTINGS: Searching for Debris of a Crashed UFO, Tesla's Death Ray, Update on the Alien Autopsy Film, and Can Dreams Reveal the Future?.. + More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Mike in the Night E571 - As we advised President Trump Shares Kahn’s #1 Song ‘Fighter’, US Border Stopped 1,200 Terror Suspects From Canada, Bulgaria – not Hungary – manufactured the pager bombs used in Israel attack against Hezbollah that le
SIGHTINGS: Government Disinformation, an Update on Cattle Mutilations, Bazar Side Effects of Visiting Crop Circles, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Project Camelot: “America Update” 1/5/22 🇺🇸 [ OPINION ONLYYY! ] — My Notes: ❶ I don’t agree with Kerry’s belief of JFK Jr. ❷ The Timeline Detour we took at the 2020 Election does not bode well for the future!