Chinese Immigrant Speaks Out After Confronting David Hogg over Gun Grab - Lily Tang Williams; Food Prepping - JD Rucker; Catherine Herridge & Sharyl Attkisson Testify to Protect Other Journalists | The Breanna Morello Show
Government making a Dairy Farm in Southern Ontario dump 30,000 litres of milk because they have gone over quota. Can’t donate it to a food bank, or to a hospital, or to a homeless shelter.
A Plausible Case For The End of Humans? You be the judge -- Calhoun’s “mouse utopia” experiments are now coming true for humanity as self-annihilation, infanticide and gender distortions become commonplace
Parasite-infested insects bred abroad, mixed into our food as flour. Forbidden as feed for farm animals, the people are supposed to eat it dutifully! "One mess after another"