Business Growth 101 | Why You Must Create Standard Operating Procedures & Systems to Scale Your Business + Why You Can't Be Dependent On Specific Employees + Tim Tebow Joins Dec 5-6 Business Workshop!
Carlton Pearson | Learn How to Become An Effective Public Speaker + Who Was Clay Clark’s Public Speaking Coach? Carlton Pearson Teaches the Specific Moves, Processes & Strategies to Become A Highly Effective Presenter
[With Subtitles] Testing Store Bought Products. Few to no details shared on this one, on the lady testing and the specifics of the testing. Sharing it anyway. For we must all be our own judge and never rely on anything that we cannot be certain of ourself
Disney | Who Was Walt Disney? Was Is Walt Disney's Club 33? What Is DeMolay? + 55 SPECIFIC Examples of the Corruption of Disney | Special Interview with Tania Joy Gibson
China | Is China Building 'Ethnic Specific' Bio Weapons That Can Target People Based on Race? Learn More About China's New DNA-Based Bioweapons Target Specific Ethnic Groups