Gold | “If we had a dollar crisis, gold would have to go up 19X to match the price level it was at in 1980 relative to foreign treasuries outstanding ($42K). 3x to 6x, that’s just getting back to long-term avg.” - Luke Gromen
Red Hats: No Regrets Blowing Up Undersea Exotic Dome/CIA Report Confirms COVID-19 Was ‘Bioengineered’ by the Pentagon in 2017/DC U.S. Attorney Sends Letter to Chuck Schumer Related to Threats Against SCOTUS Justices
Seria mais uma “democracia relativa”? junho de 2010, @LulaOficial recebeu e condecorou Bashar Al-Assad com a medalha do Cruzeiro do Sul, a MAIS ALTA CONDECORAÇÃO do Brasil aos estrangeiros.