R&B Monthly Seminar: Amalek and Erev Rav Research Fellowship (Episode #66 -- November 2nd, 2023). Chairman: Rabbi Chananya Weissman. Guest Speaker: Mr. Mordechai Sones, News Director and Editor-in-Chief, Frontline.News
Battlefront: Frontline with Dustin Faulkner | Border Invasion, Squatting, Murder, and Destruction of States are at the Feet of Biden | Guests Twila Brase, Rabbi Jeffrey Katz | LIVE @ 9pm ET
Oppenheimer (Pt 3) Cern,The Rose Croix line Da Vinci code, Jacobs ladder, Israel Switzerland, France. Gates of Hades, Science & Esoteric Scientism (Gnosticism in theory and practice)