Prophecy 63 - Oh Israel, Where Is Your Blood Sacrifice? BELOVED YAH ALMIGHTY SAYS "YAHUSHUA is that Temple. YAHUSHUA is the only Blood Sacrifice I will accept." (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 73 Excerpts - A Fake Rapture Coming! DEW'S REALITY. Project Blue Beam Deception a coming dark jesus, a counterfeit of the True JESUS/YAHUSHUA of the Bible
Amightywind Prophecy 84 Excerpts For HIS Own "I have put what is a true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there" "these plagues did not come nigh them." It's YAHUSHUA'S SPIRIT & SHED BLOOD (mirrored)
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 150, 102 Excerpts! Fallen angels send zombies/Genesis 6 giants fall from skies. Hearts Fail (Luke 21:26) YAHUSHUA Weeps "You have no idea what is being sent here." Call on HIM
1998 Amightywind Prophecy 21 Shocked The World satan will mock the Rising of the Saints. In Great Tribulation & Holocaust an army of demons/fallen angels possess (Zombies) dead rotten corpses of souls in hell
7 Amightywind Prophecy Excerpts since 2002. YAH'S Own Words "You will never see another Ministry like this (Proph. 143)." Vaccine danger/Poisons abound/5G/clones-zombies made/coming antichrist ect.. (mirrored)
See satan's prophets Exposed! Home becomes Horror. Had HOLY SPIRIT but still Pretenders (Prophecy 13), studied dark teachings, became hybrids-fallen angel possessed, deadly false prophecies. INSANE & Violent
Amightywind Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny, Come Forth! "You stand in MY anointing on MY Word, in MY Name, wearing MY Holy armor, washed in MY shed Blood of Calvary. MY Daughters, I call you MY Daughters of Destiny this day."
Prophecy 72 PLANET X! "I, YAHUVEH will use a planet in MY wrath to cause mass destruction to MY enemies" "UNDERGROUND CITIES..will be your WATERY TOMBS" YAH allows Planet to sweep by Earth