Bashar—The Influence of the Illuminati. | You are Not Trying to Eradicate the Illuminati (You Think So, But Your Soul Knows Better). SOURCE IS ALL, and Dark Will ALWAYS Exist for the Student-Souls. You’re Working to Ascend Beyond That Hardcore School!
Abraham Hicks—Most TRUTHERS are This: Christ Consciousness Vs. The Illuminati Control System That MOST (Even Anti-Illuminati) People Adhere and Conform to in [SUBCONSCIOUS] Appeasement of Their Ego! (That's Literally Most "Truthers")
CERN Scientist Claim: "We Could Destroy The Universe..." — Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” | WE in 5D: Your Meditations Now to Harness the Moon/Eclipse Energies (The Same The Illuminati Are Always Hijacking) Have Never Been So Important!
BREAKING: Chants of "VP, VP, VP" Erupt From the Crowd After Vivek Ramaswamy's POWERFUL SPEECH at New Hampshire Trump Rally with a DIRECT Message to the Illuminati Global "Elite" Deep State Cabal! (1/16/24)
Katy Perry Bon Appetit Music Video Decode, Blow Torching Tongue, Caviar, Hollywood Meals, Pearls, Older People Paying to Attend a Cannibal Meal + Literally Eating People Alive, The Normalization of Evil
The Pathway to Freedom From the Illuminati's [Agenda 2030] End-Goal! NOTE: You Don't Have Til 2030 to Reject the Agenda—MANYYY Terrors are Slated for NOW by Them to Reach the 2030 Goal, So Rejection BEGINS NOW, and Really Should Have Ages Ago!
SPIN | Exposing Illuminati-Control Over Republican & Democrat Parties Alike, AND RELIGION. An Era Where the Illuminati Primarily (Not Exclusively) Functioned Thru the Republican Party! + “Fake” White House’s for TV are NOT New, Foolish Q-Heads!
What the Illuminati Do to Those Who Oppose Them.. But Are They DEAD SCARED They'll Lose That Power Soon? + Does it Turn Out RFK Jr.'s Run Helps Trump and Hurts Biden?
Bad News (Hopefully Turns Good): Reiner Fuëllmich's 2nd Nuremberg Project Exposing Covid as the First Step Towards the Collapse of Society to Make Society Dependent on Illuminati Institutions Has Been Set Up, Making for an Illegal Arrest!