Culture War | You Have Got to Make Sure Your Kids are Prepared Operation Save America | Guests: Maverick and Goose from Slacker82Alpha | “We want to Wake as Many People as Possible”
Culture War | Satanic Nature of the New World Order | Guest: Maria Zeee with Zeee Media | United Nations at the Helm | Expose Unfruitful Works of Darkness - Ephesians 5:11
Culture War | How Do You Clear Brain Fog? | Guest: The Parasite Killer Dr. Jason Dean | “We are a Third World Country Because We Are Very Sick” | “70% of America is on an Average of Four Medications”
Culture War | Why Do Many Christians NOT Vote? | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer | Why Do Many Pastors NOT Speak About Culture & Politics While America is Dying From Within? | How Do We Fix This? | Sheridan.Church
Culture War | Former Marine and Executive VP Died and Saw Jesus | Came Back to Life and Became Pastor | Guest: Pastor Dave Scarlett | Founder of His Glory Ministry
Culture War | "There is a Smell That Should Not Be Smelled Anymore" | Guest: Clay Clark | Apathy Can Not Be Our Strategy | Graphene in Every Shot? | Why Are Researchers Heralding First Functional GRAPHENE Semiconductor?
Culture War | Bombshell Admission By Pfizer | What is Mod RNA? | Guest: Attorney Tom Renz | Is Our Food in America Poisonous? | “When Do You Trust a Liar?”
Culture War | Who Killed JFK and Why is it Important We Know Now? | Guest: Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer | Roger Stone is Coming to Sheridan Church to Answer Those Questions
Culture War | Can Indoctrination by the Radical Left Marxists Seep Into a Christian School? | What We Can Do To Save Our Children and Our Country | Take FiVe With His Glory
Culture War | “Protect Your Children”| Can a County Clerk go to Jail For Protecting Elections? | Guest: Tina Peters | Lawfare Courtesy of our Government