What Are Bail-Ins? | “FDIC Is the Organization That Backs All Deposits Held at Banks In United States, To Which There Is Over $9 Trillion In Deposits, Being Backed By A Few Hundred Billion In Assets.” - Andy Schectman (8/15/24)
Yuval Noah Harari | "People Will Feel That Their A.I. Friend Is a Conscious Being & Should Be Granted Rights. There Is Already a Legal Path to Do It. In United States You Don't Need to Be a Human to Be a Legal Person." - 9/5/24
Invasion | "The Story of History Is the Story of Invasion. One Nations Ends, Another Begins. Invasions Drive History. Few Americans Recognize This Is Happening Right Now. The United States Is Being Invaded. The People Who Lead Us Are Letting It Happe
Antony Blinken | Why Is the 71st United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken Playing Guitar In a Bar In Kyiv While Russian Troops Advance In Ukraine? + Mel K Exposes Agenda 2030, the CBDC Agenda & More!!!
Israel | The Biblical Significance of War In Israel | It's All Unfolding Like th Bible Said It Would!!! Zechariah 12, Luke 21 Matthew 24, Mark 13, Gog, Magog, United Nations, One World Gov, Mark of the Beast, China, Russia, Palestine, etc.