1. Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - Gandalf vs. Saruman Scene Movieclips

    Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - Gandalf vs. Saruman Scene Movieclips

  2. Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - Gandalf vs. Saruman Scene Movieclips

    Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - Gandalf vs. Saruman Scene Movieclips

  3. Saruman's RISE w/ Fighting Uruk-Hai army to Battle of Helm's Deep- Lord of the Rings

    Saruman's RISE w/ Fighting Uruk-Hai army to Battle of Helm's Deep- Lord of the Rings

  4. LotR: The Battle for Middle Earth Hard Campaign 6 - Pillaging the Countryside

    LotR: The Battle for Middle Earth Hard Campaign 6 - Pillaging the Countryside

  5. LotR: The Battle for Middle Earth Hard Campaign 7 - The One Ring Found!

    LotR: The Battle for Middle Earth Hard Campaign 7 - The One Ring Found!

  6. LoTR: The Battle for Middle Earth (Hard Campaign) 1 - The Rise of Isengard

    LoTR: The Battle for Middle Earth (Hard Campaign) 1 - The Rise of Isengard

  7. LotR: The Battle for Middle Earth (Hard Evil Campaign) Final - Minas Tirith Falls

    LotR: The Battle for Middle Earth (Hard Evil Campaign) Final - Minas Tirith Falls

  8. LotR: The Battle for Middle Earth Hard Campaign 2 - Amon Hen

    LotR: The Battle for Middle Earth Hard Campaign 2 - Amon Hen

  9. GANDALF vs SARUMAN Battle of the Wizards - Lord of the Rings- Hobbit.mp4

    GANDALF vs SARUMAN Battle of the Wizards - Lord of the Rings- Hobbit.mp4

  10. Lisa Brown is to Saruman what The Fellowship of the ring is To Spokane

    Lisa Brown is to Saruman what The Fellowship of the ring is To Spokane
