GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David
GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David
GOLD | "Gold Prices Hit All-Time High At $2,149 / Oz, Prices Surge $75." - CNBC (December 4th 2023) + "The Most Sophisticated And Well Informed Continue to Buy Gold At a Pace That the World Has Never Seen. They No What's Coming."
HOW LONG DOES SPERM SURVIVE IN THE UTERUS? NOBODY REALLY HAS AN ANSWER!!🕎Leviticus 19:29 KJV & Genesis 24:67 And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, & took Rebekah & she became his wife; & he loved her”
De-Dollarization | Is De-Dollarization Occurring Exponentially? | Why was BRICS GDP to GOLD added (2x G7)? | Why Is Dollar Supply DROPPING? | "The Nature of Money Is Going to Change Quite Dramatically." - Yuval Noah Harari
General Flynn | Is This A War On Religion & Our Children? Why Is the Chinese CCP & Yuval Noah Harari Wanting to Rewrite the Bible? + 8 Updates You Need to Know + Gold Is Officially Outperforming Stocks In 2023 As October Rally Continues
DeDollarization | "Role of the U.S. Dollar Will Continue to Decline. It's Role As Reserve Currency Is Also Going to Decline." - John Pang (Oct 9th 2023) + "Central Banks Continue to Buy Gold At a Pace That the World Has Never Seen.&quo