CBDCs | What Is the Connection to CBDCs, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Elon Musk & Klaus Schwab? If You Were Going to Wake Up With Your Head Sewn to the Carpet Would You Want to Know?
Wireless communication directly between brains is one step closer to reality thanks to $8 million in Department of Defense follow up funding for Rice University neuroengineers.
Dr. Ana Mihalcea joins Maria Zeee to discuss silicone and other transhumanism synbio materials found in the COVID shots and human bodies during surgery, discussing how this relates to brain hacking, behaviour and body control of humans.
He Saw Our 5D Future During Near Death Experience — BEAUTIFUL, But You'll Hate His Revealed Time of Arrival of 5D! In Fairness, if One Knows how, EVERY Individual can Shorten/Lengthen Their Timeline as it is Illusion That We All Share the Same One.