mRNA | "Making the mRNA Is Really Easy And Really Cheap. We Just Need to Mess Around! There Is Alot of LIPID NANOPARTICLES And Some Are Very Self-Assembling." - Bill Gates (January 27th 2021) + What Did Gates Say to Trump?
Elon Musk | "Synthetic mRNA, You Can Basically Do Anything w/ Synthetic RNA, DNA, You Can Turn Someone Into a Freakin' Butterfly With the Right DNA Sequence." - Why Are Musk, Gates & the WEF Pushing mRNA? + BRICS Dedollarization
666 | What Is the Link Between AI, mRNA Technology, CERN, Neural Link & the MARK OF THE BEAST? Why Elon Musk Say, "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon" & "We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence&a
mRNA | Elon Musk On mRNA | "You Can Basically Do Anything With Synthetic mRNA.You Could Turn Someone Into a FREAKIN' BUTTERFLY If You Want to." - Elon Musk + "AI Is the Way to Communism" - Grimes (Mother of Two Elon Musk Children)
Thrivetime: Great Reset Agenda Explained In 7 Minutes: Connecting the Dots, mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology Shots, 5G, CBDCs, MIT, Quantum Dots, Gates, Epstein, Schwab, Musk, CERN, Mark of the Beast
mRNA | "Transhumanism, Is One of the Agendas of the World Economic Forum That's Not Hidden, That's Not a Conspiracy & They Talk About RNA Vaccines As An Entry Point. Opening That Space Ethically and Otherwise." - Dr. Robert Malone