Thrivetime: Great Reset Agenda Explained In 7 Minutes: Connecting the Dots, mRNA Modifying Nano-Technology Shots, 5G, CBDCs, MIT, Quantum Dots, Gates, Epstein, Schwab, Musk, CERN, Mark of the Beast
General Flynn Explains CBDCs | Why Do Steve Forbes, Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson and Catherine Austin Fitts Use the Following Words to Describe CBDCs? “Frightening, Chilling, Mark of the Beast & Surveillance Under the Skin.”
Central Bank Digital Currency | Freedom-Killing Programmable Currency Explained In 4 Minutes "The Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of (currency) that central bank liability."
PCR Tests | Is the PCR-Test Creating a Massive Number of Falsely Inflated Positive COVID-19 Cases? Can the PCR Test Potentially Find Anything That You Are Looking for Depending On How High You Turn It Up?
COVID-19 Tests | "FAUCI Does Not Mind Going On Television and Lie Directly Into the Camera. With PCR If You Do It Well You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." - Karry Mullis (Inventor of the PCR Tests)