Wolf of Wall Street | "The Dollar Right Now Is Losing Its Luster Around the World. One Major Mistake the Biden Administration Made Was Freezing Russia's Assets. It Drove Them Into This BRICS System." - Jordan Belfort
Money | GOLD HITS $2,800! | What Is the Future of Money? What Are Stablecoins? "The Social Credit System Is An Expansion of Money Or A New Kind of Money, to Monetize Everything." - Yuval Noah Harari
FDIC | What Does the "FDIC: Each Depositor Insured to at Least $250,000" Sign Actually Mean? "The FDIC Operates On a Fractionary Reserve System. The FDIC Is Required to Keep 1.35% of All Total Insured Deposits." - 3/24/24
Peter Thiel | What Is Thiel Talking About? "Initial Founding Vision Was We Were Going to Use Technology to Change the Whole World & Overturn Monetary System of the World. We Could Never Win An Election." - J.D. Vance's Partner
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Was Patent US-2020279585-A1, the "System And Method for Testing for COVID-19" Assigned to Inventor Richard A Rothschild On October 13th 2015? | What Are Patents: US-2020279585-A1 & WO-2020-060606? + Dr. David Martin
THE UNIT | "A New Alternative Currency System Commonly Referred to As THE UNIT Reportedly Backed By 40% Gold & 60% By Currencies of Participating Countries." - Kitco.com (10/17/24) + Interview Andy Schectman
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "Having Since Done It (Implemented Clay Clark's Systems) It Has Changed Our Life. It's Been Incredibly Insightful Helpful to See Where the Money Is Going. It's Really, Really Powerful!"
Clay Clark Client Case Studies | How to Grow a Successful Chiropractic Clinic + "Our Highest Grossing Month EVER! I Was Non Existent On the Internet. Getting a Better Conversion System Has Been Very Helpful!" - Dr. Breck
Yuval Noah Harari | "With New Generation of AI's They Can Create Intimacy. They Can Hold Conversations With Us, They Can Pretend to Be Humans. This Can Create a Totalitarian System That Even Orwell Couldn't Imagine."
Yuval Noah Harari | COVID-19 Shots | Are Self-Assembling Nanobots in the COVID-19 Shots? "You Won't Be Able to Survive If You're Disconnected from the NET Because Your Own Immune System Depends" - Yuval Noah Harari
Clay Clark Testimonials | "We Have Grown 50-60% The Hiring System That We Learned from You Guys Is Just As Important As the Sales. I Can't Think I Would Be Here Without You Guys." - Doug Yarholar of MetalRoofContractors.com