4 months ago(10/24/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 109 | SG Sits Down w/ a Hurricane Helene Survivor/Volunteer Roundtable: 1st Hand Account of Conditions in North CarolinaQNewsPatriotVerified
2 months ago(12/19/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 133 | SG Sits Down w/ Dr. Jennie Hsu: A Clinical Presentation of Scalar TechnologyQNewsPatriotVerified
4 months agoJUAN O SAVIN- Tina Peters, Treniss Evans -Ethan Lucas 10 3 2024JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSVerified
2 months ago(12/6/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 132 | SG Sits Down w/ a PetClub247 Roundtable: A Wild Personal Testimony of Vitality, Cancer, and MushroomsQNewsPatriotVerified
6 months ago(8/30/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 86 | SG Sits Down w/ Bible Historian and Finance Expert Jim Pugh to Talk Money, Humanity, and GodQNewsPatriotVerified
9 months ago(5/21/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 48 | SG Sits Down w/ Persona Non Grata Brad Wozny and Attorney Leigh Dundas to Talk Human RightsQNewsPatriotVerified
11 months agoJUAN O SAVIN- The LEGAL ATTACK Coming & Military? - AGN 3 12 2024JUAN O SAVIN PRESENTATIONSVerified
6 months ago(8/15/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Scott Schara from "OurAmazingGrace.Net" to Discuss the Film Vaxxed IIIQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(1/29/2024) | Audio Chat 28 | SG Sits Down w/ Michele Swinick to Discuss the Future of USA ElectionsQNewsPatriotVerified
5 months ago(9/4/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 88 | SG Sits Down w/ Nurse Practitioner Patti Gilliano for an Incredible Account of Medical HumanicideQNewsPatriotVerified
5 months ago(9/13/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 93 | SG Sits Down w/ US Mil Veteran and Vax-Injured Patriot Tom Trefts for a Talk on Shots, Veterans, and AwakeningQNewsPatriotVerified
4 months ago(10/23/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 108 | SG Sits Down w/ Christian Astrologer and Student George Lewis: The Future of God's EarthQNewsPatriotVerified
4 months agoDC Mass Casualty Event Coming | USAR NATGRD in FL USA/Africa | Killary's Farewell: The Detroit QLINE: 10/24/24 QNewsPatriot (SG Anon)Truths UnlimitedVerified
7 months ago(7/25/2024)(ENG) | AUDIO CHAT 74 | SG Sits Down w/ Patriot and Translator Silvia Rocha for a Bilingual Overview of the Great AwakeningQNewsPatriotVerified
5 months ago(9/7/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 91 | SG Sits Down w/ Financial Visionary Barbara Guth to Discuss the "Sovereign Revenue Trust Entity"QNewsPatriotVerified
3 months agoFNL News 2024-11-04 - La veille des élections USA! Panique démocrate et médiatiqueFNL - FreedomNews NouvellesLibresVerified
5 months agoScott Bennett Victor Hugo USA Civil War Coming After 2024 Election Does Jewish Mafia Control TrumpVictorHugoArt
6 months ago(8/6/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 80 | SG Sits Down w/ World Renowned Neurologist Dr. Dan Cohen to Talk Brains, Spirituality, and SleepQNewsPatriotVerified
4 months ago(10/17/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 103 | SG Sits Down w/ Patriots Jeff Stagg and Josh Macias to Discuss "On-Your-6" Foundation and Hurricane Helene Relief EffortsQNewsPatriotVerified
7 months ago(7/31/2024) | AUDIO CHAT 77 | SG Sits Down Again w/ Kirk Elliott PhD to Talk Banking and the 2024 Progress of De-DollarizationQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(1/6/2024) | Audio Chat 24 | SG Sits Down w/ The Former Feds Group to Discuss Justice for Medical Mass MurderQNewsPatriotVerified
1 year ago(1/23/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Meri Crouley, Dr. Jan Halper Hayes, and Derek JohnsonQNewsPatriotVerified