Dollar Collapse | "The BRICS Nations Are Supposedly Set to Announce to the World Their New Currency Which Jim Rickards Anticipates to Be Backed By Gold. Rickards Expects Them to Make That Announcement Aug 22nd At the BRICS Meeting." - Schectman
CBDC | Are the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Nations Planning to Introduce a New Gold-Backed CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Backed By Gold?
CBDCs | "Central Bank Digital Currency, If I Buy Too Many Plane Tickets or If I Buy Too Much Meat Because Those Things Are All Supposed Very Bad for the Environment, My Money Could Then Be Declined. The Money Can Expire."
CBDC | How Do Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? | "The Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control On the Rules and Regulations That Will Determine the Use (Of Money)." - Agustin Guillermo Carstens (GM of the Bank of International Settlements)
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "Is It Going to Be As Private As Cash? No." - Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde (French politician and lawyer who has served as President of the European Central Bank since 2019)
CBDC | "Under the U.K.'s Presidency the Group of the World's Seven Most Advanced Economies, the G7 Is Launching a Set of Public Policy Principles for Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)." - Risk Sunak (Prime Minister)
AI Government | "I've Said Publicly & I'm Only Half Joking That We Need AI Government." - Joe Rogan + "The Founding Vision Was We Were Going to Use Technology to Overturn the Monetary System of the World." - Peter Thiel