Artificial Intelligence | "Digital Super Intelligence Might Be the Most Significant Technology That Man Ever Creates. They Are Aiming to Get $100 Billion from Somewhere to Create Digital god." - Elon Musk
17 October 2023 12PM EST - Joe Oltmann and David Clements Live with Todd Bensman: Invasion of America, Creating Terror To Steal the People's Voice - Speaker Vote Today - Fake VP Calls for Weapons Bans as US Cities See Chaos
Yuval Noah Harari | "Everything That Existed On Earth Until Now, We Were All Organic. We Are In the Process of Creating the First Inorganic Life Form. We Are Now Instigating An Alien Invasion from Palo Alto." - 12/8/2024
Human-Animal Chimeras | CRISPR + Gene-Editing | "We May Create Human / Animal Chimeras With Perhaps Human Neurons In Their Brains, What Looks Like An Animal May Well Have Mental Capacities Similar to That of A Human Being." - Katrien Devolder
Klaus Schwab | "I Think We Move Not Only from Capitalism to Talentism In Someway, But We Move from Shareholder Capitalism to Stakeholder Capitalism." - Klaus Schwab + "We Have Now A Window of Opportunity to Create This Global Reset."