Canadian "Vaccine" Expert Dr. BYRAM BRIDLE: Talks About The Excessive Youth Heart Problems & Deaths Happening In The School Sports Leagues #NoVaxxPass #StopTheMandates They Are KILLING Our Citizens & Children & FAST!!!!
B.C. CANADA: Liberal Minister for Mental Health and Addictions @YaaraSaks supports prescribing fentanyl to children without parental consent as part of the so-called “safe supply” experiment.
Elon Musk | 13 MUSK FACTS | Elon Musk, Grimes (Mother of 2 Musk Children), Artificial Intelligence, Baphomet & Elon Musk's X App? Why Did Elon Musk Tweet Out "X" On April 10th 2023? "We Could Merge w/ Artificial Intelligence."
Errol Musk | "We Learned Obama Is a Queer Married to Man Who Dresses As a Woman." + Errol Musk Is the Father of Elon Musk. Errol Had Two Children with His Stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout, Despite a 42-year Age Difference.