R&B Monthly Seminar: "In Jewish Blood: The Zionist Alliance with Germany, 1933-1963" (Episode #4 -- Monday, October 24th, 2022/Tishrei 29, 5783). Co-Author: Mr. Steve Rodan
If You Know You Know! - They Spray US LIKE COCKROACHES 24/7/365 #2030/21 - 500,000 In Prepetual Balance - HAARP - 5G - DIGITAL TWINS - GRAPHEN BASED BACTERIA/DnA /mRNA - BioConvergence - WHEN WILL THEY WAKE UP?
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B "Britain, The Bible, and Balfour: Mandate For A Jewish State 1530-1917". Episode #26. ChairMAN: Author MR. Jonathan Immanuel (Jerusalem, ISRAEL)