ReAwaken America Tour | 22 Days Until the ReAwaken America Tour Las Vegas, Nevada (August 25 & 26, 2023) | Request Tickets via text: 918-851-0102 or!!!! + "I've Never Been On a Live Show W/ Fire." - Kash Patel
Jim Caviezel | Jim Caviezel What Is the Connection Between Child Trafficking, Organ Harvesting & Adrenochrome? + SOUND OF FREEDOM In Theaters NOW (July 2023)
Dr. Rashid Buttar | My Good Friend, Client, Fellow Patriot And Brother Dr. Rashid Buttar Has Died (1966-2023) | My Prayers Go Out to His Surviving Family And to the World Who Just Lost a GREAT PATRIOT...I'm Still Recovering from Losing Zelenko
THE GREAT MITCH GLITCH | BREAKING!!! What Just Happened to Mitch McConnell? Mitch McConnell FREEZES MID SPEECH At Senate Press conference, Is Escorted from Podium (July 26th 2023)
October 4th 2023 | What Is the Agenda Behind the October 4th 2023 FEMA & FCC Nationwide Emergency Alert Test? 2:20 PM ET + Dr. Mikovits & Dr. Jane Ruby | What Is Doctor Judy Doing to Prepare for the October 4th 2023 FEMA & FCC Test?
Peter Navarro | "Trump Got Lied to About That (The COVID-19 Shots) Not Just By Fauci, But By Pfizer the Drug Company. They Made Him Think It Was a True Vaccine When It's Not. It's mRNA Technology." - Peter Navarro (5/5/2023)
Dollar Collapse | "THIS WILL BE THE BIGGEST SHOCK IN THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM SINCE 1971!...August 22nd 2023" - Jim Rickards + "BRICS to Introduce a New GOLD-Backed Currency In Contrast to the Credit-Backed U.S. Dollar."