YAH'S Own Amightywind Ministry 30 Year Celebration (online since 1994) along with Apostle Elisheva's Birthday! YAH'S Children celebrate it with us 30 days!
2007 Prophecy 92 Excerpts Fallen angels Everyone with mark 666 tattoo, because Jesus Miranda told them join the damned. WARN of online false prophets-spread demons & steal from us/also fake revivals
2010 YOUTUBE Extreme Battles! YAH SAID take the masses of prophets of baal leading many to a false jesus to Spiritual Mount Carmel. Anointed Minister speaks HIS Apostle's Words (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 32 (1999) Excerpts America "blood shed has not come to your shores from war for many years but you have now called it upon yourselves!" "No Warnings" NATO BLITZED (mirrored)
2003 Rosh Ha Shanah Dream & Song "HE'S Coming Soon" by Amightywind Music Ministry led by singers Ablewaterwalker/YAHSLittleOne, a ministry theme song - In Description see Prophecy - What If Rosh Ha Shanah Is The Day That I Come?
Amightywind Prophecy 9 Excerpts - Preach It, Teach It, Cause Others To Believe It! "When you think you are stepping down for ME, you have really just stepped up and forward." (mirrored)
Prophecy 54 Excerpts (followed Amightywind Celebration Global Photos, Anointing upon them, impossible to refute) NOW IS THE TIME! "Stay Focused, Obey Your General And Follow My Orders NOW!"
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 125 - Satan's elite will use the blood red moon of September 27th (2015)! YAH Says The word "depopulation" is just carelessly spoken by these elite. Beware of the elite.
Amightywind Prophecy 43 Part 2 - WHO DO YOU CHOOSE TO BE YOUR POTTER? I, YAHUVEH, OR HARRY POTTER! "Repent today! Turn away from this evil." "Parents protect MY innocent children." It teaches children sorceries & death (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael! I, YAHUVEH, Rebuke You! "The Ark of the Covenant is a duplicate of what is in Heaven." Not anyone can touch it (mirrored)