(CENSORED!) US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him.
(COMCAST CENSORED)! US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him!
The Biden Administration and HHS helped Cartels Trafficking over 438,523 Unaccompanied Migrant Children Across The Border! | MATTA OF FACT 6.20.24 1pm EST
NEW US DOD MARATHON! Wed-Jan.22,-25 Joe Biden Brought Terrorists to our Door! We expose his criminality and intent to destroy the United States, as well as all the Democrats helping him!