3 years agoSupport Katherine Henry on Wednesday July 21, 2021 at 9 amRestore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: MI Lt Gov & State Convention; FL Primary Election Day! S1E34Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: Municipal Government: Constitutional Powers & Responsibilities S1E29Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEp Prev:Do you have a Right to run for office? What the Constitution says about Ballot Access S1E24Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: What is Due Process and what does it mean for me? S1E20Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: Allegan Election Day 11-3-20 "Trespass" Case FINALLY Dismissed! S1E28Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: April Fools' and "Resolutions" as laws - Don't let the government fool you! - S1E13Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: What the MI Court of Appeals ruled this week about Election Integrity! S1E17Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: Constitution Preamble, the Legislature & MI Redistricting lawsuit S1E1Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoFreedom decorations for the whole year! - Restore Freedom GoodieRestore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEp Preview: EOs & MI Sup Court: What law was actually struck down & why? What’s happening now? S1E14Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: Interview With a Candidate for Michigan AG S1E16Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoGet a Grip & Hold the Phone - Week 16 Restore Freedom GoodieRestore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: The Truth About the "Don't Say 'Gay' Bill" S1E11Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: A Candid Interview with Ryan D. Kelley, MI's Gubernatorial Candidate 2022 S1E18Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: What can you do to get involved? S1E4Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: SCOTUS on Abortion, 2A & Religious Freedom! S1E26Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry
2 years agoEpisode Preview: What is a “law”? Statute, law, constitution, admin. rule, EO, regulation? S1E10Restore Freedom with Katherine Henry