1. Nigel Farage Rips Into France, Serco, Boris Johnson & His Incompetent Cabinet

    Nigel Farage Rips Into France, Serco, Boris Johnson & His Incompetent Cabinet

  2. Gina Millers Brexit Court Cases Backfire As Sovereign Parliament Can Override WA

    Gina Millers Brexit Court Cases Backfire As Sovereign Parliament Can Override WA

  3. Copart Walk Around, Nasty RV's SEMI, TRUCKS

    Copart Walk Around, Nasty RV's SEMI, TRUCKS

  4. Remoaning Tosspot Professor Brain Cox Wants To Delay Brexit Indefinitely

    Remoaning Tosspot Professor Brain Cox Wants To Delay Brexit Indefinitely

  5. The Remainer Liaison Committee's Political Point Scoring Destroyed By Boris Johnson

    The Remainer Liaison Committee's Political Point Scoring Destroyed By Boris Johnson

  6. Sadiq Khan Destroyed For Incompetence & Would Spend Money On New Daves & Stormzy's Not Crime Victims

    Sadiq Khan Destroyed For Incompetence & Would Spend Money On New Daves & Stormzy's Not Crime Victims

  7. The BBC Deliberately Leave Out Birmingham Suspect Description As Police Bungle Manhunt For 26 Hours

    The BBC Deliberately Leave Out Birmingham Suspect Description As Police Bungle Manhunt For 26 Hours

  8. The Media Hide ANOTHER Suspects Description After 14 Year Old Girl Fends Off Low Life Scum Bag

    The Media Hide ANOTHER Suspects Description After 14 Year Old Girl Fends Off Low Life Scum Bag

  9. The Home Office Exposed In Yet Another Scandal Putting Brits At Risk

    The Home Office Exposed In Yet Another Scandal Putting Brits At Risk

  10. Lefty Remainers Imagine They Have An Alternative Brexit Mandate

    Lefty Remainers Imagine They Have An Alternative Brexit Mandate

  11. Boris Johnson Is Discharged From Hospital Crushing The Twitter Losers Party Dreams

    Boris Johnson Is Discharged From Hospital Crushing The Twitter Losers Party Dreams

  12. Rishi Sanuk Delivers First Post Brexit Budget & Destroys John McDonnell With Hilarious But True Joke

    Rishi Sanuk Delivers First Post Brexit Budget & Destroys John McDonnell With Hilarious But True Joke

  13. Young Girl Violated At Center Parcs By Creep Where Police Arrest Father & The Media Hide The Truth

    Young Girl Violated At Center Parcs By Creep Where Police Arrest Father & The Media Hide The Truth

  14. Grooming Gang Review Being Kept Secret, Home Office Claims Its NOT In Public's Interest

    Grooming Gang Review Being Kept Secret, Home Office Claims Its NOT In Public's Interest

  15. The EU Is Called Out For Secret €70bn Subsidies For EU Farmers After Brexit

    The EU Is Called Out For Secret €70bn Subsidies For EU Farmers After Brexit

  16. Priti Patel Calls For A Catch & Return Policy On Migrant Boats Crossing The Channel

    Priti Patel Calls For A Catch & Return Policy On Migrant Boats Crossing The Channel

  17. Lewis Hamilton Plans To Badger His Fellow F1 Drivers To Bend The Knee

    Lewis Hamilton Plans To Badger His Fellow F1 Drivers To Bend The Knee

  18. Sadiq Khan Ridiculed On LBC For His Anti Democratic Brexit Meddling & Consistent Failures

    Sadiq Khan Ridiculed On LBC For His Anti Democratic Brexit Meddling & Consistent Failures

  19. Sadiq Khan Demands Brexit Extension, Kate Hoey Destroyed Him

    Sadiq Khan Demands Brexit Extension, Kate Hoey Destroyed Him

  20. Lord Tony Hall Thinks The BBC Can Be The Voice Of Britain Post Brexit 🤣

    Lord Tony Hall Thinks The BBC Can Be The Voice Of Britain Post Brexit 🤣

  21. Is Priti Patel Really Sending Boat Migrants Back To The EU As The Guardian Claims

    Is Priti Patel Really Sending Boat Migrants Back To The EU As The Guardian Claims

  22. The Remainers Brexit Lies Exposed By Russia Report As They Focused On Scots Indy Ref Not Brexit

    The Remainers Brexit Lies Exposed By Russia Report As They Focused On Scots Indy Ref Not Brexit
