1. 27.4.2024: Halo color, weird clouds.. sun halo?

    27.4.2024: Halo color, weird clouds.. sun halo?

  2. 9.5, 11.5 - 12.5.2024: White trails. weird clouds, sun halo, halo color.

    9.5, 11.5 - 12.5.2024: White trails. weird clouds, sun halo, halo color.

  3. 17.6.2024: Sun halo, white trails, colors in the clouds, halo color

    17.6.2024: Sun halo, white trails, colors in the clouds, halo color

  4. Cuba Radar Being Hidden and a Huge HALO West of Hawaii Pulsing Energy? Sun?: Mar 29, 2022 9:39 AM

    Cuba Radar Being Hidden and a Huge HALO West of Hawaii Pulsing Energy? Sun?: Mar 29, 2022 9:39 AM

  5. Halo Infinite is surprisingly FUN after all these updates and look amazing on UltraWide! PC Gameplay

    Halo Infinite is surprisingly FUN after all these updates and look amazing on UltraWide! PC Gameplay

  6. Halo phenomena appears in the skies of Eastern India

    Halo phenomena appears in the skies of Eastern India

  7. Morning Walk and Talk - Give Us our Daily Bread Devotional with Sun Dog Photos

    Morning Walk and Talk - Give Us our Daily Bread Devotional with Sun Dog Photos

  8. (See the"?") Halo CME & Hours of M class X-rays *read description*

    (See the"?") Halo CME & Hours of M class X-rays *read description*

  9. Is it a ring, halo, or rainbow around the sun?

    Is it a ring, halo, or rainbow around the sun?

  10. With 65 times the mass of the Sun, how did humans observe the first image of a black hole

    With 65 times the mass of the Sun, how did humans observe the first image of a black hole

  11. Ava lying in the midday sun - Dyani photo bombing the video and Halo checking things out

    Ava lying in the midday sun - Dyani photo bombing the video and Halo checking things out
