1. THE LIZARD (2024) An Alien Monitor Lizard Vs A Massive Snake! Who Will WIn? (Preview) 狂暴巨蜥

    THE LIZARD (2024) An Alien Monitor Lizard Vs A Massive Snake! Who Will WIn? (Preview) 狂暴巨蜥

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  5. Horror Trailer: DISAPPEARING COLLECTOR (China 2023) Beware of the Human Bone Piano.. & Creepy Dolls!

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  6. Horror Trailer: DISAPPEARING COLLECTOR (China 2023) The Third Video For This Odd Looking Horror Film

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  7. Monster Movie Trailer: PREHISTORIC MONSTER (Ch 2024) EngSub for this Jurassic Park Knock-offl! 史前怪兽

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  8. Horror Trailer 2: MIDNIGHT RADIO (China 2024) China Clearly Needs New Radio Broadcasting Laws!! 午夜怪谈

    Horror Trailer 2: MIDNIGHT RADIO (China 2024) China Clearly Needs New Radio Broadcasting Laws!! 午夜怪谈
