GEOINGEGNERIA - TG TELECOLOR: <<Il Tennessee ha varato una legge con cui vieta la geoingegneria. Ma altri 9 Stati degli USA hanno avviato il medesimo iter>>
Blue Roofs | Google Search "Visible Spectrum Colour 6.66" + Why Did Joe Biden Say, "You Will See In the Midst of 20 Homes That Are Totally Destroyed 1 Home Sitting There Because It Has the Right Roof On It." - Joe Biden
Yuval Noah Harari | "A Constitution Can Never Interpret Itself. You Need a Supreme Court to Interpret the Constitution, Or It At Least This Was How It Was Until A.I. Can Also Potentially Interpret Stories & Texts By Itself." - 6/20/23
VICENDA PANDEMICA - OPERATION WARP SPEED: "In realtà, le case farmaceutiche sono state pedine gestite dai militari. I vaccini sono un prodotto militare" (18/3/2024)