Lara Trump | Meet The Right View Host & the Wife of Eric Trump: What Has Life Like Been Since President Trump Decided to Run for Office? How Lara Trump and Eric Trump Met? + What the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse Means for U.S. + Israel Protests
CBDCs | "Central Bank Digital Currency Passports, That Last Two Years Created a Problem and Allowed a Digital ID Infrastructure to Already Be Created So a Central Bank Digital Currency Can Easily Just Swoop Right In." - Layah Heilpern
Israel | Why Is Iran Now Boasting That They Have the Hypersonic Missiles to Destroy Israel In 400 Seconds (6.66 Minutes)? | Why Are the Under-the-Skin Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Being Pushed Right Now?
TPM's Ari Hoffman: "Right now we don't really know much about these whistleblowers aside from the fact that they don't have a track record of lying to the American people."