Canadian Police, Vancouver Police to be exact, now beating to death, unarmed and peaceful civilians that they claim to be dissidents. This is criminal, unacceptable. This actions must be punished severely.
The medical establishment fail to grasp the severity of their situation. Either they show us the data they claim they had showing the shots were safe and effective, or they committed crimes against humanity and violated the Nuremberg code.
You all declared with the utmost certainty that the jabs were safe and effective. You were wrong. You are not in a intellectually or morally superior position. It’s time for you all to take a seat.
"Fundamentals of Molecular Nano-Communication Networks" , 5G, Intra-body Nano Network, LED Street Lights, Internet Of Bodies, Internet Of Nano-Things.... - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz (DARPA)
Hundreds of invaders take up camp at the Place du Palais Royal in Paris demanding the French taxpayer houses them, aided and abetted by NGO scum. - At midnight in Paris, police storm in to move the hundreds of invaders camped out.
AI And Useless Eaters - Yuval Noah Harari Klaus Schwab and The World Economic Forum's right hand man Yuval Noah Harari. The rise of the 4th industrial revolution. "The useless class"
Under the United Nations' plan for total global control known as 'Agenda 21/2030 all humans who once lived on farms and in rural areas, are to be forcibly relocated into densely populated "smart" cities.