2 years agoFolic acid used in pregnancy ||#folicacid #drminakshisingh || tab folic acid in pregnancyDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoVaricose (Spider) Veins, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoCONSTITUTIONAL LAW 1 online live coaching class for LL.B. students KSLU KLE all other Universitiesminakshilawclasses
2 years ago#shorts tonsilitis#homeopathicmedicine #drminakshisingh Belladonna 200, Kali Mur 6x tdsDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoLEGAL METHODS online live coaching class for LL.B. students KSLU KLE all other Universitiesminakshilawclasses
1 year agoTaxation question paper for KSLU semester examination | Last 3 years question paper KLE KSLUminakshilawclasses
3 years agoKidney Stone Diet Plan and Prevention।।#kidneystone, #Homeopathy, #DrMinakshiDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoincrease uric acid problem | यूरिक एसिड बढ़ने पर क्या खाए क्या ना खाए #यूरिक एसिडDr. Minakshi singh
3 years agoWhat is the best treatment for cervical spondylosis?#CervicalSpondylosis#drminakshisingh#homeopathyDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoSnoring|खर्राटे क्या आपकी भी नींद खराब करते है,जाने उपचार #drminakshisingh #healthDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoVit B 12 Deficiency कहीं आपमें ये लक्षण तो नही।#बी12 #headache #anemia #deficiencyofb12inhindiDr. Minakshi singh
3 years agoWhat is the main cause of amenorrhea? Absence of menses।।Amenorrhea treatment।। #AmenorrheaDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoAbies Nigra | पेट दर्द, बदहजमी की सबसे अच्छी homeopathic medicine #petdardDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoDiabetic diet।। शुगर में क्या खाएं क्या ना खाए।। #diabeticdiet #sugarmekyakhaye #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agohomeopathic medicine for WARTS(1) nitric acid Q (2)Thuja occidentalis Q #ytshorts #drminakshisinghDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agohomeopathic medicine for CervicalSpondylosis #spondyaid #drminakshisingh #ytshorts #healthDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoClear complexion (साफ त्वचा) पाए आसानी से।#skin #clear #homeopathy #Aveeno #clearcomplexioncreamDr. Minakshi singh
2 years agoColouring of hair by homeopathic hair colour #drminakshisingh #safedbal #herbalhairdye #greyinghairDr. Minakshi singh