3 years agoLet's talk about what it takes to be in our industry & how Right to Repair would enlist new talentLouis Rossmann
3 years ago😊 Corroded Macbook Air repair: liquid damage & water spill fixed in 20 minutes, good as new 😊Louis Rossmann
1 year agoFlat Earth (Fixed the Sound)- Stephan Piel and I talk about how distrust has helped fuel thisI Am Wes
4 years agoHow I could've done the last two and a half years better as a businessperson hindsight being 20/20Louis Rossmann
2 years agoHow To Prepare For The Arctic Blast Coming This Week - People Will Suffer If They Are Not ReadyEveryman Prepping
1 year agoHuman Emotions Recognition, Analysis and Transformation by the Bioenergy Field in Smart Grid Using Image Processingnonvaxer420
6 years agoFinding the nub: how to fix Macbook logic boards when solder points corrode away.Louis Rossmann
1 year agoHow to Fix Flat Feet with Ankle Pronation | Follow Along Routine & ToolsGuerrillaZenFitness