1. Was jesus a muslim ? Ex muslim Ahmad explains please listen

    Was jesus a muslim ? Ex muslim Ahmad explains please listen

  2. Muslim always ask a question, Where jesus said I am GOD worship me | Prophet Paul explains

    Muslim always ask a question, Where jesus said I am GOD worship me | Prophet Paul explains

  3. Explains the divinity of Jesus to An Abdul

    Explains the divinity of Jesus to An Abdul

  4. Listen what atheist says about islam and Mohammed - ex Muslim Ahmad

    Listen what atheist says about islam and Mohammed - ex Muslim Ahmad

  5. Reverted muslim and don't know to whom Allah revealed the Torah - Godlogic

    Reverted muslim and don't know to whom Allah revealed the Torah - Godlogic

  6. What this arab Christian lady says is correct - Exmuslim ahmad

    What this arab Christian lady says is correct - Exmuslim ahmad

  7. when jesus walk with satan who was the witness ? ahmad exmuslims explains bery well

    when jesus walk with satan who was the witness ? ahmad exmuslims explains bery well

  8. Mohammad says JESUS is word of God and God own spirit - Exmuslim Ahmad and german Exmuslim

    Mohammad says JESUS is word of God and God own spirit - Exmuslim Ahmad and german Exmuslim

  9. My mother told me allah got 99 names - Christian prince and abdool

    My mother told me allah got 99 names - Christian prince and abdool

  10. Mohammed prophecy and coming of isa and where isa going to land - Christian prince explains

    Mohammed prophecy and coming of isa and where isa going to land - Christian prince explains

  11. You worship chic@ken , why shaitan lay eggs ? Exmush ahmad and dr mufti

    You worship chic@ken , why shaitan lay eggs ? Exmush ahmad and dr mufti

  12. Is Muhammad a cult leader or Is Islam a cult

    Is Muhammad a cult leader or Is Islam a cult

  13. Abdool cannot answer and want to discuss face to face - ahmad exmuslim

    Abdool cannot answer and want to discuss face to face - ahmad exmuslim

  14. Did you know the Quran is Preserved 100%? ibn mas'ud Qur'an vs Hafs Quran

    Did you know the Quran is Preserved 100%? ibn mas'ud Qur'an vs Hafs Quran

  15. see What sahih al bukhari says about Mohammed ? ExMuslim Ahmad

    see What sahih al bukhari says about Mohammed ? ExMuslim Ahmad

  16. Allah created Adam in his own image 60 cubic tall when allah himself 30 feet tall - Exmuslim Ahmad

    Allah created Adam in his own image 60 cubic tall when allah himself 30 feet tall - Exmuslim Ahmad

  17. I have learn torah more . Christian prince and abdool

    I have learn torah more . Christian prince and abdool

  18. Why allah appeared in a human form - Muslim man Asia Shak and ex Muslim Ahmad

    Why allah appeared in a human form - Muslim man Asia Shak and ex Muslim Ahmad

  19. Asurking demolished 3 muslims with their own book

    Asurking demolished 3 muslims with their own book

  20. Indian Muslim Said he follow islam because parent said so & cane to defend islam - exmuslim ahmad

    Indian Muslim Said he follow islam because parent said so & cane to defend islam - exmuslim ahmad

  21. tarana jamiat ulama e hind .wo lahrata nazar aata .madarsa karma khan #karma_khan

    tarana jamiat ulama e hind .wo lahrata nazar aata .madarsa karma khan #karma_khan

  22. Converted muslim lady wants to know why ahmad talking bad about islam

    Converted muslim lady wants to know why ahmad talking bad about islam

  23. Athiest is better than christian in this world - hot debate exmuslim ahmad and arabic - part 1

    Athiest is better than christian in this world - hot debate exmuslim ahmad and arabic - part 1
