2 years ago286 - Operation Giving Back & Toilet Paper Pyramid - Part Four - Wedding Bells?OscarMikeRadio
3 years ago"Wire Tree" Copper wire sculpture on a granite base. Hand made wire tree sculpture for ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
3 years agoThe Wasp Nest. A bowl made from wasp nest, resin on the lathe. Woodturning project. O.U.R.Art Giving Hope
2 years agoSketching your doggy.. Guest Artist Jodi Fuller. Charcoal drawing and sketching for charity.Art Giving Hope
4 years agoBirchwood banana bowl, hand turned on the lathe. Support OURRESCUE.ORG at: O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
3 years ago"Galaxy Bottle" Resin, Birchwood lathe project. Woodturning a vase. Operation Underground RailroadArt Giving Hope
2 years ago"Mother Earth" How to make a globe out of wood, resin, cotton and paint. Wood turning, Vase.Art Giving Hope
4 years agoCherrywood Bowl, wood turning by hand, lathe. New shape idea for a vase / bowl. ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
2 years ago"Misty City" How to make a stormy city in a vase/bowl. Tinted resin and pinewood, Wood Turning LatheArt Giving Hope
1 year agoCloud Burst over Point of the Montain, timelapse. Drone footage fun. ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
1 year ago"Freedom Plate" Resin and wood plate hand turned on the lathe. Resin Art by Travis TurnitupArt Giving Hope
1 year ago"The Hive" Vase turned on the lathe, made from resin, walnut wood & beehive honey comb ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
2 years ago"Pyrotechnic Peonies" How to make a willow wood vase, resin and silcone dried flowers, Woodturning.Art Giving Hope
2 years ago"Infinity Boa" wood and resin power carving, resin art demonstration by Dan Preece. Artforour.orgArt Giving Hope
1 year agoMilky Way Galaxy Timelapse from deep inside Coyote Gulch, Escalante Utah. ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
1 year agoBradford Pear Bowl w Natural Edge. Turned on the lathe. Guest artist: Doug Miller. ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
2 years ago"Forgotten Breakfast" What happens when you leave breakfast out... for 50 days?Time Lapse ExperimentArt Giving Hope